Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Shitting and Texting

Texting and BlackBerry Messaging are wonderful creations. I love the fact that I can text people at any time, and in any place. I also love that I could text lies like "you're not fat!" to my ex-girlfriend while laughing my ass off, and she would have no idea what was really going on. Apart from texting while drunk and driving, my favourite time to text is when I am shitting.

Typing a message onto your phone while a gigantic dense shit is being secreted from your rectum is unlike anything I have experienced before. Maybe the fact that the person you are messaging has no idea what is really going on is what makes this experience so amazing? Truth be told, I have no idea why, BUT I highly recommend you avid crappers give it a try immediately.

If you don't have anyone to text because you're a fucking asshole or a mexican, try brick breaker, snake or other arcade type games. This will provide you with 60-82% of the enjoyment received from texting and shitting.


- ShitzuNami

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